Using Raspberry Pi as a Time Capsule to backup a Mac

Time Machine is the built-in backup feature of OS X. It keeps a copy of all your files, and remembers how your system looked on any given day so you can revisit your Mac as it appeared in the past. Apple sells a device called a Time Capsule, but rather than buy one of these I opted for a diy approach using my Raspberry Pi and so far it seems to be working well. My setup consists of: Raspberry Pi Model B running Raspbian connected via network cable to a router MacBook Pro running OS X Yosemite v10.10.1 connected via Wifi to a router External 2TB drive (with separate power) attached via USB to the Raspberry Pi It was relatively easy to setup following the instructions at . I am reiterating the instructions here just in case the page disappears (with a couple of additions I needed): 1. Start with a clean installation of Raspbian, configured for your network 2. Power down your Pi, con...