Barcamp Auckland 3 Synopsis
Following on from the largest tweetup I've ever attended on Friday night with 50+ people in Auckland (and was awesome), I attended Barcamp Auckland 3 (#bca3) today (which was also awesome). These were both excellent opportunities to network with a wide variety of people, have some great discussions and learn from them. If you want to know what a Barcamp or Unconference is check out my synopsis of Barcamp Auckland 2 . I attended a number of sessions throughout the day. My key notes (as aggregated from my twitter stream ): Easy iPhone Game Development cocos2d-iphone is a framework similar to Flash. The Spaceship Tutorial (based on cocos2d-iphone ) sounds like it is worth checking out as an introduction to iPhone game development. Augmented Reality Different types: projector based, window based, retinal display (most common). Augmented Reality Phone requires GPS + Compass + Video + Accelerometer. More information can be found at