Barcamp Auckland 3 Synopsis

Following on from the largest tweetup I've ever attended on Friday night with 50+ people in Auckland (and was awesome), I attended Barcamp Auckland 3 (#bca3) today (which was also awesome). These were both excellent opportunities to network with a wide variety of people, have some great discussions and learn from them.

If you want to know what a Barcamp or Unconference is check out my synopsis of Barcamp Auckland 2.

I attended a number of sessions throughout the day. My key notes (as aggregated from my twitter stream):

Easy iPhone Game Development
  • cocos2d-iphone is a framework similar to Flash.
  • The Spaceship Tutorial (based on cocos2d-iphone ) sounds like it is worth checking out as an introduction to iPhone game development.
Augmented Reality
Marketing & Blogs
  • HTML5 attribute types looks great.
  • HTML5 could replace Flash, Silverlight and other proprietary technologies.
  • Apparently more than 90% of Alexa Top 500 sites are not valid HTML.
Starting a business - Making sure you make money
  • Why do people start businesses? "To change the world" is the primary reason, focusing on $ as the primary reason is wrong.
  • Offer something nobody else does: Be first, be best, be available, sell.
  • Consider how to lock people in to your product. "Be likable" vs trying to lock people in (i.e. don't be evil).
  • Most important part of starting a business: Prove the concept.
  • Getting Things Done: Gaps in skill, time, money, milestones, processes.
  • To address gaps in skill for a startup, consider giving people equity.
  • Have good governance as your company grows, get good legal and tax advice.
An excellent event well facilitated by Ludwig and the Bartenders.

Other writeups of the day worth checking out:


  1. Just expanding on the "Do something new for 100 hours" idea - I did two talks at Barcamp 3 on that topic, a 5 minute one and a 20 minute one - both are online in video and transcript form at if you want to check that out.

  2. Thanks Morris for putting your content online and sharing the link here.

  3. Hey Simon, thanks for the mention :) It was a thoroughly good day, that small session we had Marketing for Entrepreneurs was especially good.


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