Is Social Media reducing the likelihood of serendipitously meeting people you know when travelling?

I was pondering earlier today while over 2000km from home whether there is less likelihood now of serendipitously meeting people when travelling, since friends and family now have a greater awareness through social media and location-based sites (Facebook, Twitter, Tripit, Foursquare…) of where you are and where you are going (and vice versa).

About two hours after Jane & I had this discussion, whilst sitting down for lunch, a work colleague that sits a few desks away from me wandered past and said hi; she was in the area for a conference and both of us had no idea that the other would be in the area.

So rest assured, there are still lots of opportunities to randomly run into people while travelling.  I wander who I’ll see next.


  1. Hi Simon,

    Nice One. Guess, depending on your case, update or do not update your status on facebook with your travel info.

    Jagadish BS


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